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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

It's cold in Amarillo

We had 70°F temperatures for the last week, but Monday it turned cold and Monday night it started to rain (which turned the roads into ice). Leanna and I didn't make it to work today until 10:30 because we were avoiding the worst of the traffic, but (while some where late due to ice) the entire crew (SVC, Leanna, Petrick, Vanessa, Mike, and Jolene) are here.

We're all busy doing things, including shipping things for Christmas delivery.

We plan to leave at 4:30 today so that everybody can get home in the daylight before the 5pm Rush Hour starts. But all orders will be shiipped. Leanna and I brought TV dinners so we don't have to go out for lunch in the cold.

But even with the cold, and my grouchy Christmas Annual Depression, spirits are bright. Products are being worked on, schedules look doable, and (having gotten everybody trained) I now have an extra couple of hours per day to be creative and work on more new stuff.

Merry Christmas to all.

And if you have other reasons to celebrate (Hannuka, Eid, Qwanza, Mithrasday) then happy that, as well.