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Thursday, August 02, 2007


August 2nd has been an important date in history many times over.
In 216BC, Hannibal destroyed a Roman Army at Cannae, regarded by some as the greatest military disaster in Roman history.
In 1776, the British landed 32,000 troops in New York to crush the rebellion.
In 1867, there was the "Wagon Box Fight," a battle in which 30 US Army soldiers, far from the fort cutting firewood, survived an attack by 1,000 Sioux warriors.
In 1887, the patent was issued for barbed wire.
In 1914, the First World War was just getting going (the Guns of August) as German troops entered Luxembourg and Russian troops entered Germany.
In 1934, the German Army swore a personal oath to Hitler, replacing the national oath to German itself. (US soldiers, from early times to the present day, swear their oaths to the Constitution, not to the country, flag, or president.)
In 1943, John F Kennedy's PT-109 was rammed and sunk by the Japanese destroyer Amagiri.
In 1964, North Vietnamese torpedo boats attacked the destroyer USS Maddox, beginning the Vietnam War. What few people know is that the destroyer was there to protect CIA smuggling of weapons to anti-communist guerrillas in North Vietnam.
And in 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait, touching off 17 years of continuing US military involvement.