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Saturday, November 07, 2009

Work on CL#40 Continues

This is Steven Petrick posting:

Work continuous apace on Captain's Log #40. Our biggest fear was that we might not get the art for the cover on time, and we have just heard from the artist that we will have it tomorrow or Monday (which will make the big #1 crush to get it to the printers).

We are doing our best to meet the revised schedule.

I just finished cleaning up and checking the battle groups. Sadly, I had to reject one, rather than letting the author have an opportunity to try to fix it, because there is just no time to get a revision and then check it again on the schedule (my original schedule gave me half a month to do things like that, I do try to work with the submitters).

Both SVC and I are pretty stressed out, and worn out, and are heading home now. We will try to get a fresh start tomorrow (what is this rumor we keep hearing that there are people that do not work on Saturday and Sunday?).