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Wednesday, December 08, 2010


Steve Cole muses: Just thinking to himself.

1. President Obama has submitted the US human rights record for UN review, resulting in the US being condemned by Cuba, Libya, and Iran (which, as part of some great cosmic joke, are on the UN human rights panel).

2. Black Friday is not the biggest shopping day of the year. The biggest shopping day of the year is the Saturday before Christmas, and it always has been. The Black Friday thing is a myth created by the retail trade association to get people to start shopping earlier. I'm not saying that shopping earlier is a bad thing.

3. Contrary to myth, Cyber Monday is not the biggest on-line shopping day of the year. (That happens about December 15th when you start having to pay premium shipping charges.) This is another myth by the retail trade association to get people to spend money earlier.

4. Friends said I should try watching Barney. Well, I did, and I found his hearings and press conferences on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to be boring, although I can see why people call him a dinosaur.

5. We had a situation the other day in which one employee overslept (and slept through numerous phone calls). We discovered (over the process that led to finding him) that we did not have the following information about him: his car license plate number, the phone number for his closest relative, the phone number for his apartment manager). We now have this information for everyone here. It's a file that everyone knows how to find. We also discovered that the police will do absolutely nothing (other than filing a missing person report so that if he shows up by accident they know where to send him or his body).

6. I don't know how they calculate this, but on average women say 7,000 words in each day and men say about 2,000. I must have a feminine side as everybody says I talk a lot. Personally, I think I write more than 7,000 words a day in emails and my various publications.

7. I am asking all of my friends to send a Christmas card to the ACLU, 125 Broad Street, 18th Floor, NY NY 10004, so as to brighten their sad little dark world. Be sure it says "Merry Christmas" and not "Happy Holidays" or something. (A few million Christmas cards might show them that the American people do not support their war to destroy religion.)

8. In active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action. (The Kzinti shot the Klingon.) In passive voice, the subject of the sentence receives the action. (The Klingon was shot by the Kzinti.)

9. A typical beaver chews down 200 trees a year. The real damage beavers do is not in chewing down smaller trees, but in chewing into bigger trees (killing them while leaving them standing). These standing dead trees then become an economic loss to the land owner (who could sell the lumber) and a danger to everyone who goes near them.

10. Perplexed, I looked up the "Name three common words ending in 'gry' in everyday English" puzzle and discovered it's a joke, there are only two such works -- angry and hungry -- the rest are "obsolete words" from Olde Englishe.