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Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Platinum Hat

This is Steven Petrick posting:

We are moving the competition for the best Star Fleet Battles Player of the Year to the Internet with the Platinum Hat tournament.

The big advantage here is that now anyone, anywhere, has the chance to earn the bragging rights as the best player for the year from the comfort of his or her own home -- whether that home is in Columbus, Ohio, or Osaka, Japan.

This will open things up so that any one who believes they have the skill set to reach the pinnacle of victory can participate.

The thing of greatest concern will be that everyone who agrees to play does so, and I have been tasked to watch the progress of the Platinum Hat tournament closely, with the able support of Gregg Dieckhaus (last year's Gold Hat winner, no less) and Peter Bakija, noted Kzinti about town.

If you have not seen it, here is a copy of the announcement, and beyond that, I hope to see you all Online, and may victory go to the best captain!


Our new Internet SFB International Championship Tournament is open for registration. Registration will close July 5th and play will begin July 15th. This is a single-elimination tournament using the format we test drove with Fight For A Cure. This will be conducted through SFBOL.

We will have 64 seats (more if there is demand) and anyone eliminated can re-enter for no cost in one of the unsold seats. Once we know how many people entered, some uber-players (e.g., former national champions) may get first-round byes.

Having learned some lessons from FFAC, Tournament Marshal Steven P. Petrick will "ride herd" on the tournament to ensure that games are played on schedule and the event does not drag. There will, inevitably, be some delays near the end when re-entries have to "catch up" to the initial entries. A firm hand on the helm will ensure that these are as minor as possible. Two senior players (Gregg Dieckhaus and Peter Bakija) have been appointed as "honorary sheepdogs" and empowered to encourage people to get their games done.

The entry fee ($10 per person) will be added to the prize fund which ADB, Inc., has always provided, making this the richest SFB tournament ever held!

To register (pay), use this link: http://store.starfleetstore.com/merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=S&Product_Code=9650&Category_Code=NP

When the link to register (select your ship) goes up on SFBOL, we'll be sure to let you know.