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Saturday, February 08, 2014

In Memorium: Markie

Jean Sexton writes:

Some of you have heard that ADB had an "office dog" named Markie. He was a rescue dog, part dachshund, part spaniel.  He joined us on November 1, 2013.

Markie was a watchdog and let us know when anyone came in or even walked by. He was fiercely protective of me.

On January 25, things started going wrong. Markie got an upset stomach. He started to not drink any water, so he went to the vet. His nausea continued, even with medications to stop it. On February 1 he went in to the emergency clinic for surgery. No blockage was found. His case was a mystery.

The veterinarians there did their best for him. They presented his case online to board-certified veterinarians. The answer was dire: one of two things was wrong and both of them were invariably fatal. We let him go on Sunday evening.

Markie had a hard life before we found him. He was very frightened of people. Still, he had learned to amuse himself with toys, especially balls. His playing "soccer" made everyone laugh. He adored treats and would go to Steve Cole's office and always find something to mooch. Steven Petrick was one of Markie's favorites and he'd listen to Petrick telling him not to bark. Leanna was "Mommy Two" and always good for pats. Simone's only job was ball thrower as far as Markie was concerned. Mike was still a "minor bark at," but Markie was coming to accept him.

We all will miss him.