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Wednesday, July 02, 2014

ADB is Rolling Along

This is Steven Petrick posting.

Things are moving along here at ADB, although not as quickly or evenly as we might wish. Still, progress is being made.

The Federation Commander Tactics Manual is going through some final checks and corrections, and should move to press very soon. The covers are printed and waiting to be wrapped around the book.

I am making progress on some Captain's Log articles, although not as much as I might wish as I find myself diverted often to checking orders and products being packed, and doing odds and ends to help with the Federation Commander Tactics Manual.

Jean Sexton has been involved largely with the Federation Commander Tactics Manual, along with SVC.

Leanna and Simone are doing their bits keeping all moving, and the dog is making sure we all know that a price will be paid if we do not keep him in dog treats and toys.